Pre-Course Work


Welcome to Group Leader Orientation at Riverstone Church. This course is designed to introduce you to the vision and purpose of small groups at Riverstone, as well as what it means to be a group leader.

Course Outline

Group Leader Orientation has four main sections:
In Lesson 1 we look at the overall purpose and vision for groups at Riverstone.
In Lesson 2 we look at the expectations of qualifications of group leaders.
In Lesson 3 we look into to the three main roles of a group leader in detail.
And in Lesson 4 we look at several topics related to a leader's practice of forming, leading, evaluating, and multiplying groups.
Each lesson has multiple short videos for you to view. The total length of the videos combined is about 2 hours and 15 minutes, which is a little bit less than it would be if you were to attend the two-part orientation class on Sunday mornings. We have tried to break the videos up into manageable chunks so that you will be able to work through the content at your own pace.


We'd recommend having a copy of the outline in front of you so that you can take notes and jot down questions you have as you work through the course. These can be points to discuss later on with your group coach as you review the course.

Pre-course Work

Before you proceed to Lesson 1, we'd ask you to complete two steps as pre-course work:
1. Read two articles that outline our basic vision for small groups.
2. Complete a group leader application.
You can begin those steps by clicking "Next Step" below.
Group Leader Orientation